Ground Breaking Ceremony in Fikirtepe!

Prime Minister doping to Fikirtepe! Mass ground breaking and demolition ceremony will be held on 05 February 2017, Sunday in Fikirtepe; Turkey’s first and pilot urban transformation area. Prime Minister Mr. Binali Yıldırım, Minister of Environment and Urban Planning Mr. Mehmet Özhaseki are also participating the ceremony…
Milestone in Urban Transformation
This point is reached up by the individual effort and will of Minister of Environment and Urban Planning Mr. Mehmet Özhaseki and support of Prime Minister Mr. Binali Yıldırım.
“All Nongovernmental Organizations (NGO) will be brought together under the same roof for the first time!”
In the ceremony that will be held in Prime Minister level for the first time in Fikirtepe, Fikirtepe Contractors, Fikirtepe NGOs “Fikentder Association, Fidem Association, Fikirtepe Association and Fikirtepe Platform of Fikirtepe Contractors Roof Formation”, old and new Fikirtepe Residents, Eğitim District, Dumlupınar District, Merdivenköy and Fikirtepe District Local Authorities, and all partners that have supported the Urban Transformation will be participating as the host and guest.
Huge Turnout is Expected to the Ceremony
Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning is organizing the details of the ceremony programme that will be held on 5th February, Sunday where top officials will be participating. With the cinevision opportunities in the area of Medeniyet University in Fikirtepe, demolish, ground breaking and key delivery ceremony will be held together on 5th February, Sunday at 12.00 am with the participation of Prime Minister Mr. Binali YILDIRIM, Minister of Environment and Urban Planning Mr. Mehmet ÖZHASEKİ and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mr. Kadir TOPBAŞ. A citizen crowd is expected to attend as well as NGOs, Contractors and Local District Authorities.